Dave Hodgson is an entrepreneur who grew up in Zimbabwe and currently lives in Australia. Dave is the Founder and MD of the Australian based Paladin Group of Companies, and the founder of Kingdom Investors, a marketplace ministry which has spread all over the world.
He came to know the Lord Jesus during an amazing encounter with the Lord at a Reinhart Bonnke Crusade. Dave carries an amazing message. From fighting with the SAS to building a billion business. God’s calling on his life is providing Christian businesspeople keys to being successful in business, both spiritually and practically.
Dave is well known speaker at conferences, business groups, churches, universities, radio and television all over the world.
This time in Kingdom Circle, we invited Dave to share with us! We invite you to join the meeting!
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LaEimL-PRIChlxqvV8poNQ